Important Updates


September 19th 2014 is e-day, which is the day the Government will stop issuing cheques to and accepting cheques from businesses. This will apply to all Government, local authorities. Public Sector bodies and State agencies such as Revenue. Irish business particularly small businesses are the largest users of cheques and Ireland is only one of […]

Can you afford NOT to have an accountant?

Many small business owners think they can’t afford to have an accountant, they feel their money is better used buying stock and marketing their business, etc. But really, can you afford NOT to hire an accountanting service? Think about it. What, in your business, makes you money? Doing the job of course! Whether it’s card […]

<small><a rel="nofollow" style="text-decoration: none;" href="" title="Image inserted by the ImageInject WordPress plugin">Photo</a> by <a href="" target="_blank">Images_of_Money</a> <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank" title="Attribution License"><img src="" /></a></small>

Income Tax Relief when Starting a New Business

The Start Your Own Business scheme provides for relief from Income Tax for long term unemployed individuals who start a new business.